Given the fact that we live at a faster pace and in a very stressful everyday life, a growing number of people find their peace and a moment of relaxation in this ancient science, which is more than 3500 years old.
The word Yoga (Union) points us to the fact that the purpose of this course is to unite the body with the mind, to achieve harmony in life and unity with the inner being.
With the help of yoga exercises and positions, it will completely move and stretch every part of your body. Focusing on every yoga movement will make harmony with every single breath and you can experience the position that we’re in – the humble mind becomes aware and present in the moment. This is the only moment in which we live. Thanks to proper breathing supplies every cell of our body with oxygen, we become more vital and elastic skin. We relax the spine and neck and thus come to relaxation of the musculature of the body and reduction of stress.
If you regularly practice yoga, the following changes happen in your body:
- Liberating energy (Prana) to flow evenly across every part of our body
- Reduces and removes muscle tension, back, and neck
- Reduces and removes stress
- Improves sleep
- Normalize blood flow and heart function
- Regulates the digestive system
- Strengthen and calms the nervous system
- Strengthens the immune system
- Strengthens self-esteem, concentration, and memory
- Strengthens the spine, muscles, and joints
After an introduction to yoga and the benefits of regular exercise as well as basic information that we need before we start practice, it would be good to know the techniques that are part of this discipline, as could achieve the full effect of exercise.
Asani – bodily positions
These exercises, release the body of tension, making it movable elastic, and more youthful. The aim is to achieve balance in relaxation and activity of our body. Thanks to full movement, it improves blood circulation and balances the vital energy in the body. Each position has its purpose. Long ago these asanas and techniques are used to improve the situation in a variety of health disorders, such as digestive problems, high blood pressure, sciatica issues, insomnia, heart disease, asthma, rheumatism, various vertebrate deformations, and many others. After performing the asanas, a noticeable sense of vitality and improvement of mood is instant, and a feeling of a purified state is guaranteed.
Pranayama – control techniques of breathing and vital energy
The word “Prana” actually means life energy that covers the entire space, while “Yama” means control. Hence we may conclude that Pranayama is a set of techniques that help stimulate vital energy and by regularly performing this technique, it will achieve the perfect flow of life energy in the body. The purpose of these techniques is to learn to breathe correctly, purify the energy channels, and achieve physical and mental stability.
Shatkarmas – techniques for purification
These techniques remove accumulated toxins from the nasal passages, airways, digestive canals, body cavities, etc. These techniques make the body healthier and more resistant and are performed only under the supervision of a yoga instructor.
Although it sounds simple, this is perhaps one of the more difficult techniques, and if we begin to apply it in everyday life, we will notice an improvement in our quality of living. Through gradual relaxation and conscious elevation of tension and thoughts, it will reduce the cause of anxiety and rigidity in the body. It will reflect pleasant feelings, emotional release, optimistic thinking, and serenity. These techniques help especially people who are under lots of stress, people who have high blood pressure, and heart disease, and all who want to achieve harmony in daily activities.
The techniques of concentration and meditation are essential if we want to calm down the mind and become fully aware and present in the moment.
With this, we truly introduce ourselves to a more subtle level, we acknowledge our limitations. No matter whether it is physical, mental, or emotional, these barriers prevent us to live and act in harmony with ourselves and with all the things that surround us.
The purpose of these techniques is to help us overcome and remove constraints to free energy and to encourage us to strive for higher spiritual experiences.