Lost and Found

How many times do humans feel lost, only to be found again and again?

Why do we fear so much of “losing” ourselves? Aren’t we aware that we must lose ourselves first so we can find new meaning and a better self in that inevitable “losing”?

For example; When someone close to us is “lost”, why do we immediately have an urge to “fix” him/her? But what we don’t understand is, that we have a fear of losing “our way” reflected in the person that we think is “lost”. This is a situation that almost every living person has been in and reacted more or less in the same way.

What we should understand is, that we have the freedom to allow ourselves, to be “lost”.

Unfortunately, we strive to control everything in our lives in order never to feel a certain way, and hence we live our lives with a lot of distractions (Television, computer games, hanging out pointlessly with people we don’t want to hang out, staying in relationships we don’t want to be in, or working unfulfilling jobs, etc.). Mostly all of that is, only not to feel “lost”.

Why? Why so much fear?

Is it possible that we are scared of that new “me” waiting around the corner? Are we afraid of change? Are we afraid of uncharted territory for our minds and souls?

I think, that to trust ourselves, we first must allow ourselves to be “lost”, and that might be the only way.

Not allowing ourselves to be “lost”, means that we don’t have enough courage for a change, and the saddest part is, that we are not even aware of that.

Unfortunately, it is why so many people are sad and nostalgic about their youth. While young, then you are “allowed” to be lost. Only then. And who allows this?

The society of course.

Society controls freedom so it creates false responsibilities, only to enslave human beings. Dismissing the true human responsibility and the true human values.

And the only responsibility we have here on Earth is choosing between fear and love.

The eyes of fear, want you to put bigger locks on your doors, shut yourself down. The eyes of Love instead, see all of us as one.

So don’t fear. Losing ourselves is the first step to becoming free.

What does “losing” mean after all?